Message: D09-3624

From: Mona Habashy
To: Mona Habashy
Sent: 2009-03-05 at 10:21 AM
Received: 2009-03-05 at 10:21 AM
Subject: FW: Letter of Comment re: EB-2008-0187? FW: HYDRO ONE DELIVERY RATE

From: Richard Osborne []
Sent: March 4, 2009 1:39 PM
To: Market Operations

Hello, how are you? My name is Rick Osborne, I reside in Trenton ON, and I am a member of the Canadian Forces

I have been attempting to think how to put this into a short message and request. Hopefully I am addressing the right authority.

According to some quick calculations based on a letter from Hydro One to all account holders, I estimate that Hydro One is implementing a 20% increase to delivery charges.

Given the present Economy, Share Holders will be very pleased. However. I , as a rate payer, am shocked at this excessive proposal.

I urge the OEB to seek consumer protection advocates to represent the Ontario consumer and more specifically, the elderly or those on fixed incomes.

I also request an appeal of the retroactive decision of the OEB or the usual resources link for this type of process.

My hope is to not require help from the Ontario dept. responsible for consumer protection or a PRO BONO firm.

Richard J Osborne

147 Prospect Hill

Trenton ON K8V 6T4


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