Message: D09-3899

From: Veredian Miller
Cc: Mona Habashy
Sent: 2009-03-10 at 9:51 AM
Received: 2009-03-10 at 9:51 AM
Subject: EB-2008-0187 - Hydro One Delivery rate hearing

Ref: 2009-0002617

Dear Mr. Tamming:

Thank you for your web submission regarding your concerns with the proposed increase in rates through Hydro One Networks Inc.

The Board currently has an application before it from Hydro One Networks Inc. for distribution rates (EB-2008-0187). Your web submission has been forwarded to the Board Secretary’s office to be placed in the public file as a written letter of comment as part of the proceeding.

If you have any further concerns, please contact the Board Secretary’s office at

Thank you for bringing this matter to the attention of the Board.

Yours truly,

Veredian Miller

Veredian Miller

Correspondence Coordinator

Communications & Consumer Relations

Ontario Energy Board

P.O. Box 2319

2300 Yonge St - 27th floor

Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Fax : 416-440-7656


Preferred Communication Method: E-mail



Best time to reach: No Preference

2009 Delivery rates for hydro one.

Please no more increases Enough already when does it stop. The finacial climate we are in in this world things have to stop for a while.

Please no more increases for at least five years or more.

All we hear is we have to be more efficent yet everything keeps going up but wages keep going down.

Regards, John Tamming

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