Comments from a consumer.
Batul Rahimtoola
Case Administrator
Ext. 635
From: Giovanna Dragic
Sent: August 21, 2009 9:26 AM
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Subject: FW: Notice in Toronto Star
Please see below.
From: Sheila Clark []
Sent: August 21, 2009 8:19 AM
To: Giovanna Dragic
Subject: Re: Notice in Toronto Star
Thank you so much for responding it has restored my faith that someone cares. The number your requested is EB2009-0096. Also in the article in the raise Hydro wants is to pay for the smart meters which I have not heard of anyone wanting. Already there are articles of people saying that their hydro has doubled and the smart metors are not to start until 2010 when everyone has them. Thank you. Sheila Clark
----- Original Message -----
From: Giovanna Dragic
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:09 PM
Subject: Notice in Toronto Star
Ms. Clark
Can you please email back with the EB# which would be posted on the Notice.
Thank you
Giovanna Dragic
Ontario Energy Board
This is in regard to the Notice in the Toronto
Star on Hydro,s application to raise the rates. I am a widow trying to stay in my
home and it is endless everyone raising their rates. My husband and I saved for
our retirement not to be a drain on our Government but as a Senior my monthly income
is just covering my bills. If everything keeps going up I will probably have to
sell my home. We Senior's know how to save on electricity,my clothes go outside
winter and summer we shut lights off when not in a room. I hope I have the right
place to encourage the board to turn down this huge raise we all expect a raise in
rates but this raise is way too high.
Sheila Clark
+1 (905) 681-2849
377 Pine Cove Rd
Burlington ON L7N1W4
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