Message: D09-11284

From: BoardSec
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Sent: 2009-08-27 at 4:12 PM
Received: 2009-08-27 at 4:12 PM
Subject: FW: EB-2009-0096 (Hydro One Rate Change)


John Pickernell

Assistant Board Secretary

Ontario Energy Board


Fax: 416-440-7656


Official Correspondence:


P.O. Box 2319

2300 Yonge Street 27th Floor

Toronto, ON

M4P 1E4



From: Margaret Harris []
Sent: August 27, 2009 1:14 PM
To: BoardSec
Subject: EB-2009-0096 (Hydro One Rate Change)

File EB-2009-0096

Ontario Energy Board

I am writing to ask that you NOT approve the application from Hydro One for a Rate Change.

I live in a very small town and most of the people work at the local mill in the next town which has been idle since this past February 2009 and there is no hope for it to re-open in the near future. These people are struggling to survive on unemployment which will run out in a few more months.

Here is an example of how my bills have been: This is for my garage:

Electricity Used: $ 2.11

Delivery: $54.36

Regulatory Charges $ 0.73

Debt Retirement Charge: $ 0.24

GST: $ 2.87

TOTAL of electricity charges: $ 60.31

Unfortunately for me, I have electric heat in my house, which I had no choice in getting because back in 1988, I was a single mom who applied for a grant for a new heating system and was told by officials that it would be electric heat!

My hydro bills in the winter run around $1200.00 or higher! We don't have other options to pick from to buy our hydro. Our winters here in the North are very cruel and we encounter many snowstorms which are wicked!

Our seniors are at the point were they have to make a choice between food or heat! Many of them wear their winter coats fully done up in their homes and try to move around their homes with no lights on!

When we find someone frozen to death in their home, who do we blame?!

Please Deny Hydro Ones Rate Change Application!


Margaret Harris

304 Newman Street

PO Box 472

Schreiber, Ontario

P0T 2S0


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