Message: D09-11433

From: BoardSec
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Sent: 2009-08-28 at 3:48 PM
Received: 2009-08-28 at 3:48 PM
Subject: LOC FW: Letter of comment - EB-2009-0096 - Pender


John Pickernell

Assistant Board Secretary

Ontario Energy Board


Fax: 416-440-7656


Official Correspondence:


P.O. Box 2319

2300 Yonge Street 27th Floor

Toronto, ON

M4P 1E4



From: Veredian Miller
Sent: August 28, 2009 2:28 PM
To: BoardSec
Subject: Letter of comment - EB-2009-0096 - Pender

Ref: 2009-0009502


Please add this web submission as a letter of comment towards Hydro One’s application (EB-2009-0096) from Carol and Earl Pender.



Veredian Miller

Veredian Miller

Correspondence Coordinator

Communications & Consumer Relations

Ontario Energy Board

P.O. Box 2319

2300 Yonge St - 27th floor

Toronto ON M4P 1E4

Fax : 416-440-7656


Dear Veredian Miller;

We would like to thank you

for your response to the comments we sent regarding the increas of our Hydro One bill.

After reading your response, we both agreed that we have NO PROBLEMS with

our comments letter being put into the public file.

We've no doubts that many other consumers are having a problem with the huge increase in the rates.We are on such

a small monthly income that makes it such a tramatic hardship here, and so it must be for others.

We cannot use any less electricity, and as it stands, we won't be able to get our water well repaired now. That costs money. But no matter! We can

not afford to use the water pump, water heater, etc. That would just add to the $380.+ hydro bill.

We are hoping many others will send in their comments as well.


- Thank you.

Yours truly,

Ed & Carol Pender.

Ref: 2009-0009502

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Pender:

Thank you for your web submission regarding your concerns with the increase in rates applied for by Hydro One Networks Inc.

The Board currently has an application (EB-2009-0096) before it from Hydro One for electricity rates. If you wish your web submission to be placed in the public file as a written letter of comment, as part of the proceeding, please confirm in writing. Please click on the following link:

Please be advised that a PDF version of your correspondence, including your contact information (name and address) will be available in the Public File Room as well as on our website under the corresponding regulatory documents.

The Board regulates the province’s electricity and natural gas sectors in the public interest. It envisions a viable and efficient energy sector with informed consumers, and works towards this vision through regulatory processes that are effective, fair and transparent.

Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the Board.

Yours truly,

Veredian Miller


Preferred Communication Method: E-mail

Utility: Hydro One


Best time to reach: No Preference

Our account covers our single dwelling home, with

2 adultss (Ed & Carol Pender). We've been here w/ no dependants for 3 years now.

Our water well point has been out of service since the fall of 2007. This has meant

that we buy all drinking water, flush toilets with a bucket and rain water. We also

use rain water for bathing. We have been doing ALL laundry at the launramat since

1989, and this house was built in 1992- & we moved in in 1993.

One meal is cooked

each day- being the supper meal. If I cook a raost, or make stew or soup, I use the

slow cooker. We use the toaster each morning, make 1 pot of coffee daily,

and heat

the kettle about 4 times a day.

We heat dish water and bath water on the stove

daily.This takes about 20-30 minutes each day.

I run the vacuum twice a week- about

15 minutes each time.

We have 1 full size fridge w/ freezer, 1- 7cu. chest freezer,

1- 30" electric range, 1-bar fridge (Energy Star), 1 microwave oven, 1 convection

oven, 2 portable televisions are in use, 1 stereo, 1 VCR/DVD combo, 1 satelite and

1 receiver,1 computer & printer.

We also have a portable Air conditioner, bought

and used last summer. Haven't got it out yet this year. We also have a portable dehumidifier,

that we use while we're sleeping during the nights in this humid weather.

With these

as our electrical appliances et al, and considering the fact that we do not have

running water in the house, do laundry and drying elsewhere, and buy all water, we

were in TOTAL SHOCK when our bill from hydro One said we'd used '55' kWh inthe billing

period from June 25/09-July 22/09. This meant our bill for the month was $381.70.

With same things in place & in use with the plus the use of electric heaters during

the winter 'cold' days this past February19/09 to March 24/09, our actual bill said

we'd used 21 kWh per day.

I have occupational asthma, and my husband's heart has

had as much surgery as can be done, as it's bad enough that I say a prayer every

morning when I awake & find he's still alive & with me. I know I should be putting

the air conditioner on, BUT I know we won't be able to afford the added cost of the

Hydro One bill if I turn it on.

With the warm weather, I do not use the range unless

absolutely necessary. I use the convection oven as much as possible, and the microwave.They

don't heat the house up like having the stove burners on does.

They instaled a Smart

Meter a while ago, and apparently our using the appliances at evening to night time

instead of the daytime makes NO DIFFERENCE.Nor does not having running water, and

all the other nice conveniences most people have.

Added to the HORRENDOUS BILL is

the debt retirement charge that is also taxed. If the bill keeps going up here, when

we're not using the everyday things like now, we'll be giving up using anything because

our income of $1402.00 a month won't allow for the bills and any food.

I wonder

every day how people with less income - that USE the daily things like running water,

water heaters, furnaces, etc. are managing to find enough money to buy even a few


Feel free to delve back into our electrical bills as far as you'd like.

We moved here into a trailer while we built the house in Feb. 1992. It was Just

before Christmas in 1993 that we moved into our unfinished house. The house has never

been finished with siding, cupboards, shower upstairs, and many other things. It

is WELL insulated from top to bottom. We heat with wood and use the heaters when

we go away, in case the fire dies / to keep the house at 60 degrees F., as we have

household pets.

Please check into this as deep as you possibly can, as we do need

to eat, and there are other things needing to be paid, like taxes and both of our

prescrition drugs to keep us alive.

Since I work part time, it is probably better

to send any information to the e-mail address above. I check the e-mail each morning.

Thank you,

Edward and Carol Pender.

Primary Account Number: 43830-12364


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