Message: D09-12087

From: BoardSec
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Sent: 2009-09-14 at 11:53 AM
Received: 2009-09-14 at 11:53 AM
Subject: EB-2009-0096 FW: Disconcerned family

John Pickernell
Assistant Board Secretary
Ontario Energy Board
Fax: 416-440-7656
Official Correspondence:

P.O. Box 2319
2300 Yonge Street 27th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4P 1E4

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: September 12, 2009 12:14 PM
To: BoardSec
Subject: Disconcerned family

Re: incresed hydro delivery charge
Under no circumstances should we as Canadians be forced to pay more for delivery of a required service when our country is in a recession. A 22 percent increase is absurd and our family can not afford to deepen the pockets of a multi million dollar corporation. Fix the issue internally by reducing expences like everyone else is doing rather than passing the cost on to the consumer. Those days have past!
Chad Frenette
Barrie Ontario
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