Message: D09-12091

From: BoardSec
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Sent: 2009-09-14 at 11:56 AM
Received: 2009-09-14 at 11:56 AM
Subject: FW: Delivery increase/file EB-2009-0096


John Pickernell

Assistant Board Secretary

Ontario Energy Board


Fax: 416-440-7656


Official Correspondence:


P.O. Box 2319

2300 Yonge Street 27th Floor

Toronto, ON

M4P 1E4



From: Barry Scherban []
Sent: September 13, 2009 8:45 AM
To: BoardSec
Subject: Delivery increase/file EB-2009-0096

This request for a delivery increase is only one more reason why a thorough review of Hydro One's financial management structure should be investigated. I strongly object to this request for an increase in the delivery rate on the basis that there are already too many added on charges to the billing format that were( I assume) intended to recover some of the costs of running the system ie. Line loss charges, delivery charges, debt retirement charges. These add on charges already amount to more than the actual energy consumption charges on most customers bills ...enough is enough !

Thank you

Barry Scherban

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