Message: D10-14335

From: Giovanna Dragic
To: Giovanna Dragic
Sent: 2010-09-24 at 2:13 PM
Received: 2010-09-24 at 2:13 PM
Subject: FW: comments on EB-2010-0253


From: Robert Wilton
Sent: September 24, 2010 10:22 AM
To: BoardSec
Subject: comments on EB-2010-0253

Dear Ms. Walli

The hearing request by Plateau Wind (IPC) should be dismissed. In Section 41 of the Electricity Act it refers to only distributors and transmitters not generators. The Plateau Wind Project is a generator. By referring to their collection lines as a ‘distribution system’ it does not give them the right to appeal to the OEB for arbitration. In the evidence they submit, Statement of Completion (signed by Ansur Gafur) the electrical lines of the project are described as ‘overhead and underground collector line electrical system’…’the system will transport the electricity generated from each siting area directly into HO’s existing 44kV distribution system…’. How has the system suddenly become a distribution facility? I also find it distressing that correspondence from your office parrots this misrepresentation. From John Pickernell’s letter to C. Keizer, “…the location of Plateau Wind Inc.’s distribution facilities…..”. I hope this is not a indication of bias and political direction on the part of the OEB.

Above and beyond the fact that this hearing should be dismissed IPC has failed to carry out the all the instructions in your letter of direction dated August 6.

1. Plateau did not deliver full information packages directly to affected landowners on the north side of Centre Line A, east of County Road 2. There are 4 landowners in total on that section. Two of the landowners received single pages with a map, no addresses, stuffed into their mailboxes. One landowner received nothing and the remaining landowner (absentee) received nothing. Point #1d in your letter of direction

2. Plateau has not, as of today (Sept. 24, 2010) posted anything on their website ( regarding this application and hearing. Point #4 in your letter of direction.

I live in the middle of Plateau’s (IPC) planned Plateau II project. I am a very concerned stakeholder.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Wilton

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