Message: D12-8446

From: BoardSec
To: Natasha Gocool
Sent: 2012-05-01 at 10:59 AM
Received: 2012-05-01 at 10:59 AM
Subject: FW: OEB-2011-0394 Responses to Supplementary Interrogatories

-----Original Message-----
From: beaudry, raymond []
Sent: May 1, 2012 8:16 AM
To: James C. Sidlofski NP Law
Cc: BoardSec; Michael Millar; Edik Zwarenstein; Gordon Potts NP; Art Jacko; Raymond Beaudry; Roy Jeffery; Rosemary Wakegijig Wiki; Ashley Manitowabi Wiky; Catherine Bayne; George Browne; John & Nicole Smith Nature Club; Parker Gallant PEC; Jane Wilson WCO; Sherri Lange
Subject: OEB-2011-0394 Responses to Supplementary Interrogatories

Dear Mr. Sidlofsky, May 1,2012

As per your e mail correspondence of April 19,2012 pursuant to Procedural
Order No. 5.

Attached to your letter was McLean's Mountain Limited Partnership
responses to MCSEA, LSARC, Bay Niche Conservancy,Wikwemikong Elders
Community Members and Youth and Manitoulin Nature Club April 19,2012
supplementary interrogatories.

We have not received hard copies of your reply to our requests for
clarification.Of particular concern are those of our members that are on
dial up internet connection and those that do not have internet. Please
advise when we are to expect delivery of these documents.

Thank you

Raymond Beaudry