Message: D08-7518

From: BoardSec
To: Batul Rahimtoola
Sent: 2008-05-20 at 1:54 PM
Received: 2008-05-20 at 1:54 PM
Subject: FW: EB-2007-0905 - Schedule for Rate Base/ Cost of Debt Cross Examination

John Pickernell
Assistant Board Secretary
Ontario Energy Board
Fax: 416-440-7656
Official Correspondence:

P.O. Box 2319
2300 Yonge Street 27th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4P 1E4

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodger, J.Mark []
Sent: May 20, 2008 1:52 PM
To: OPG REG AFFAIRS; BoardSec; Wayne Clark; Adam White; Alfredo Bertolotti; Andrew MacSkimming; Basil Alexander; Berry, E.D.; Bill Harper; Bob Williams; Cheryl Brownlee; KELLAR DM Mr -SOCIETY; David Butters; David MacIntosh; David Poch; Dr. Gordon S. Roberts; Dr. Lawerence Kryzanowski; Elisabeth DeMarco; ERZETIC Josie -LAW DIVISION; Glen MacDonald; Helen Lainis; Ian Mondrow; Jack Gibbons; Jay Shepherd; John Rattray; John Sprackett; Judy Kwik; Julie Girvan; Kimble Ainslie; Laurence Booth; Lawrence Murphy; Lawrence Schwartz; Michael Buonaguro; Michael Penny; Mikaela Cameron; Miriam Heniz; Murray Klippenstein; Nicole Bryant; Norman Rubin; Paul Chernick; Paul Clipsham; Peter T. Faye; Thompson, Peter C. P.; Rachel Chen; REUBER Barbara -REGAFFCRPSTY; Richard Battista; Richard Rogacki; Richard Stephenson; Richard Zebrowski; Robert Warren; Shelley Grice; Tom Adams; DeRose, Vincent J.
Cc: Batul Rahimtoola
Subject: RE: EB-2007-0905 - Schedule for Rate Base/ Cost of Debt Cross Examination

My cross examination of OPG's Panel 1 witnesses will be approximately
one hour. As I advised everyone last week, as a result of the change in
hearing schedule, I would appreciate being able to cross examine first
given that I am only available to attend the hearing on Thursday morning
(until the lunch break), and will not be able to attend the hearing on
Friday. Accordingly, my intention is to cross examine all Panel 1
members on Thursday morning as necessary (which may extend beyond Ms.
Sidford who I understand is only available to appear on May 22).

I again appreciate your consideration in this matter.

J. Mark Rodger
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
40 King Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 3Y4
Direct Line: 416-367-6190
Direct Fax: 416-361-7088

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 3:40 PM
To:; Wayne Clark; Adam White; Alfredo Bertolotti;
Andrew MacSkimming; Basil Alexander; Berry, E.D.; Bill Harper; Bob
Williams; Cheryl Brownlee; KELLAR DM Mr -SOCIETY; David Butters; David
MacIntosh; David Poch; Dr. Gordon S. Roberts; Dr. Lawerence Kryzanowski;
Elisabeth DeMarco; ERZETIC Josie -LAW DIVISION; Glen MacDonald; Helen
Lainis; Ian Mondrow; Rodger, J.Mark; Jack Gibbons; Jay Shepherd; John
Rattray; John Sprackett; Judy Kwik; Julie Girvan; Kimble Ainslie;
Laurence Booth; Lawrence Murphy; Lawrence Schwartz; Michael Buonaguro;
Michael Penny; Mikaela Cameron; Miriam Heniz; Murray Klippenstein;
Nicole Bryant; Norman Rubin; Paul Chernick; Paul Clipsham; Peter T.
Faye; Thompson, Peter C. P.; Rachel Chen; REUBER Barbara -REGAFFCRPSTY;
Richard Battista; Richard Rogacki; Richard Stephenson; Richard
Zebrowski; Robert Warren; Shelley Grice; Tom Adams; DeRose, Vincent J.
Subject: EB-2007-0905 - Schedule for Rate Base/ Cost of Debt Cross

The first witness panel to appear at the hearing for payment amounts for
OPG's regulated facilities (EB-2007-0905) is the Rate Base/ Cost of Debt
panel. One of the witnesses on the panel is Colleen Sidford, OPG's
treasurer. After receiving the Procedural Order for the hearing, Ms.
Sidford adjusted her schedule for out-of-town business meetings to allow
her to appear at the hearing on May 20 and May 22. With the change in
the date for the start of the hearing to May 22, Ms. Sidford is now
available for cross examination for only one day, May 22.

Ms. Sidford will be testifying on the cost of debt and will address any
questions regarding OPG's rating agency reports. Any parties that wish
to cross examine Ms. Sidford should plan to undertake their cross
examination on May 22.

To assist in scheduling for the first day of the hearing, please
indicate by reply email how long you expect to be in cross examination
with the Rate Base/ Cost of Debt panel and whether you will have any
questions for (and how long you expect to be with) Ms. Sidford.

Mr. Battista has also asked me to initiate a more general canvas of how
long each intervenor expects to be with each witness panel.

Barbara Reuber
Director, Ontario Regulatory Affairs
Ontario Power Generation
700 University Ave., H18G2
Toronto Ontario M5G 1X6
tel: 416-592-5419
fax: 416-592-8519

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system. Ontario Power Generation Inc.