Message: D16-3995

From: regulatoryaffairs
To: BoardSec
Cc: Martin Davies, Maureen Helt, Anila Dumont, Shelly-Anne Connell, Anna-Christina Crespo
Sent: 2016-03-31 at 3:45 PM
Received: 2016-03-31 at 3:46 PM
Subject: FW: EB-2015-0173 Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited - Letter of Direction

Dear Ms Walli:


Attached is the email and attachments sent to the Intervenors of Record for the EB-2014-0116 and EB-2012-0064 proceedings.Â


With regard to the IESO, they don’t seem to have a representative listed in either of the proceedings above (based on List of Interventions issued at that time; PO1s are attached here).   Would you be able to provide us with the representative to send the Notice and Application to?Â


Thank you,

Anna-Christina Crespo

Regulatory Coordinator