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Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2021-0292 - 34 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME AnnualCost andVariance Report2023_20240529 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2024-05-30 2024-05-30
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME 2021 Annual Cost and Variance Account Report_20220504 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-05-04 2022-05-04
EB-2021-0292 document icon dec_order_cost awards_IESO SME_20220427 Decision and Order on Cost Awards Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-27 2022-04-27
EB-2021-0292 document icon acctng_order_IESO SME_20220421 Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-21 2022-04-21
EB-2021-0292 document icon Dec_Accounting_Order_IESO SME_20220421 Decision and Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-21 2022-04-21
EB-2021-0292 document icon BOMA_Cost Claim_IESO SME_20220414 Cost Claim Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-14 2022-04-14
EB-2021-0292 document icon OSEA_Cost Claim_IESO SME_20220413 Cost Claim Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-13 2022-04-13
EB-2021-0292 document icon VECC_Cost Claim_IESO SME_20220413 Cost Claim Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-13 2022-04-13
EB-2021-0292 document icon CCC_Cost Claim_IESO SME_20220412 Cost Claim Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-12 2022-04-12
EB-2021-0292 document icon EnergyProbe_Cost Claim_IESO SME_20220402 Cost Claim Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-04-02 2022-04-02
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_DRF_Acctng Order_App A_20220331 Draft Rate Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-03-31 2022-03-31
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_DRF_Acctng Order_20220331 Draft Rate Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-03-31 2022-03-31
EB-2021-0292 document icon dec_order_IESO SME_20220324 Decision and Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-03-24 2022-03-24
EB-2021-0292 document icon OEB Ltr_IESO SME_SettlementP_Cancl Presentation_20220224 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-02-24 2022-02-24
EB-2021-0292 document icon OEB Staff_SUB_SME_Settlement Proposal_20220223 Submission Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-02-23 2022-02-23
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_SettlementP_20220215 Settlement Proposal Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-02-15 2022-02-15
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_LTR_Settlement_Discussions_20220121 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-01-21 2022-01-21
EB-2021-0292 document icon EDA_Addl Intrv Contact Info_IESO SME_20220110 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2022-01-10 2022-01-10
EB-2021-0292 document icon po1_IESO_20211213 Procedural Order Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-13 2021-12-13
EB-2021-0292 document icon EDA_IntvRQS_IESO_20211203 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-03 2021-12-03
EB-2021-0292 document icon OSEA_IntrvREQ_IESO SME_20211202 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-02 2021-12-02
EB-2021-0292 document icon BOMA_IntrvREQ_IESO SME_20211202 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-02 2021-12-02
EB-2021-0292 document icon EnergyProbe_IntrvREQ_IESO SME_20211202 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-02 2021-12-02
EB-2021-0292 document icon VECC_IntrvREQ_IESO SME_20211202 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-12-02 2021-12-02
EB-2021-0292 document icon CCC_IntrvREQ_IESO SME_20211124 Intervenor Request Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-24 2021-11-24
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_Affidavits of Service_20211123 Affidavits of Service Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-23 2021-11-23
EB-2021-0292 document icon Notice_IESO_SME_20211116_FR Notice Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-16 2021-11-16
EB-2021-0292 document icon Notice_IESO_SME_20211116 Notice Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-16 2021-11-16
EB-2021-0292 document icon LoD_IESO_SME_20211116 Letter of Direction Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-16 2021-11-16
EB-2021-0292 document icon Completeness_Letter_IESO_SME_20211112 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-12 2021-11-12
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME Ltr_FIPPA_20211110 Correspondence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-10 2021-11-10
EB-2021-0292 document icon Ack_ltr_IESO_SME_TPA_20211101 Acknowledgement Letter Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-11-01 2021-11-01
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_APPL_TPA_20211029 Application and Evidence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-10-29 2021-10-29
EB-2021-0292 document icon IESO_SME_cvrltr_APPL_TPA_20211029 Application and Evidence Independent Electricity System Operator SME - Smart Metering Entity 2021-10-29 2021-10-29
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received