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Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2023-0175 - 52 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Watford_PMDesignation_20240422 Post Hearing Filings Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-04-22 2024-04-22
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Watford_ConstructionStar_20240422 Post Hearing Filings Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-04-22 2024-04-22
EB-2023-0175 document icon Pollution Probe_Cost Claim_20240412 Cost Claim Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
EB-2023-0175 document icon TFG_Cost Claim_20240412 Cost Claim Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-04-12 2024-04-12
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_CostClaims_Comments_20240328 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-03-28 2024-03-28
EB-2023-0175 document icon TFG_Cost Claim_20240321 Cost Claim Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-03-21 2024-03-21
EB-2023-0175 document icon Pollution Probe_Cost Claim_20240319 Cost Claim Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-03-18 2024-03-18
EB-2023-0175 document icon Three Fires_LTR_Change of Address_Watford Pipeline_20240308 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-03-08 2024-03-08
EB-2023-0175 document icon dec_order_EGI Watford_20240307_eSigned Decision and Order Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-03-07 2024-03-07
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_APPL_updated 20240104_eSigned Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2024-01-04 2024-01-04
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_ReplySUB_20231214 Applicant Reply Argument Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-12-14 2023-12-14
EB-2023-0175 document icon TFG_SUB_EGI_ Final Submissions_20231130 Final Argument Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-30 2023-11-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon TFG_SUB_EGI_ Final Submissions_20231130 Submission Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-30 2023-11-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon Watford_OEB_Staff_Submission_20231130 Submission Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-30 2023-11-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_SUB_20231130 Submission Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-30 2023-11-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_CvrLtr_Watford Pipeline Project_20231116 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-16 2023-11-16
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_IRR_Watford Pipeline Project_20231116 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-16 2023-11-16
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Ltr_FIPPA_20231116 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-16 2023-11-16
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_APPL_updated 20231108 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-08 2023-11-08
EB-2023-0175 document icon Decision_Confidentiality_EGI_Watford_Leave to Construct_20231103_eSigned Decision Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-03 2023-11-03
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Watford RNG_F-1-1_Attachment 1_Redacted_20231101 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-11-01 2023-11-01
EB-2023-0175 document icon Three Fires_IR_EGI_Watford RNG_20231031 Interrogatories to Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-31 2023-10-31
EB-2023-0175 document icon Watford_OEB_Staff Questions_FINAL Interrogatories to Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-31 2023-10-31
EB-2023-0175 document icon OEB Staff Interrogatories_EGI Watford Pipeline Project_20231031 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-31 2023-10-31
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_IR_20231031 Interrogatories to Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-30 2023-10-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixB_EnbridgeRNGslide_20231031 Interrogatories to Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-30 2023-10-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixA_WatfordRNG_20231031 Interrogatories to Applicant Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-30 2023-10-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon Pollution Probe_ltr_Amended Confidentiality Request_20231030 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-30 2023-10-30
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_Ltr_Confidentiality_20231030 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-29 2023-10-29
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_Ltr_Confidentiality_20231011 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-11 2023-10-11
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_APPL_updated 20231006 Exhibits Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-06 2023-10-06
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_CoverLTR_SUB_Confidentiality_20231006 Exhibits Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-06 2023-10-06
EB-2023-0175 document icon Pollution Probe_Submission on Confidentiality_20231005 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-05 2023-10-05
EB-2023-0175 document icon PollutionProbe_SUB_Confidentiality_20231005 Submission Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-05 2023-10-05
EB-2023-0175 document icon PO1_EGI_Watford_Leave to Construct_20231004_eSigned Procedural Order Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-10-04 2023-10-04
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Affidavit of Service_Redacted_20230927 Affidavits of Service Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-09-27 2023-09-27
EB-2023-0175 document icon Aarts_LoC_EGI_Watford Pipeline_20230918 Letter of Comment Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-09-18 2023-09-18
EB-2023-0175 document icon Pollution Probe_IntrvREQ_EGI_Watford Pipeline_20230913 Intervenor Request Letter Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-09-13 2023-09-13
EB-2023-0175 document icon Three Fires Group_IntrvREQ_EGI_Watford Pipeline_20230918 Intervenor Request Letter Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-09-19 2023-09-19
EB-2023-0175 document icon Notice_EGI Watford RNG_FR_20230825 Notice Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
EB-2023-0175 document icon Notice_EGI Watford RNG_20230825 Notice Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
EB-2023-0175 document icon lod_EGI Watford RNG_20230825 Letter of Direction Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-25 2023-08-25
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_A-2-1_Attchmnt 3_Updated_20230815 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_A-2-1_Attchmnt 2_Updated_20230815 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_A-2-1_Attchmnt 1_Updated_20230815.pdf Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_Updated-Exhibit_A-2-1_Updated_20230815 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_cvr ltr_Updated_20230815 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon OEBltr_Appl Complete_EGI Watford_20230815 Correspondence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-15 2023-08-15
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_CoverLtr_20230801 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-01 2023-08-01
EB-2023-0175 document icon AckLtr_EGI Watford Pipeline_20230803_eSigned Acknowledgement Letter Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-03 2023-08-03
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_FIPPA Letter_20230801 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-01 2023-08-01
EB-2023-0175 document icon EGI_cvr ltr_includes conf request_20230801 Application and Evidence Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor 2023-08-01 2023-08-01
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received