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Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2013-0233 - 66 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2013-0233 document icon OEB_Corresp_MunicipalityogWestGrey-20130120 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2014-01-20 2014-01-20
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Corresp_OEB_20140114 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2014-01-14 2014-01-14
EB-2013-0233 document icon dec_order_rev1_20131223 Decision and Order East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-12-23 2013-12-23
EB-2013-0233 document icon dec_order_rev1_cover Letter_20131223 Decision and Order East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-12-23 2013-12-23
EB-2013-0233 document icon dec_order_East Durham_20131107 Decision and Order East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_Comments_20131007 Comments East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
EB-2013-0233 document icon CAN_ON_EastDurham_Collection_Segments_20131004 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
EB-2013-0233 document icon EASTDURHAM_IRR_Corresp_20131004.pdf Interrogatory Response from Applicant East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
EB-2013-0233 document icon Board _Corresp_ East Durham_20131002 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-10-02 2013-10-02
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_ Tab5_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab4_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab3_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab2E_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab2D_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab2C_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab2B-20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab2A_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon West Grey_Written SUB_Tab1_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
EB-2013-0233 document icon Syd and Karen Parkin responses to Argument in Chief_20130911 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-11 at 4:24 PM
EB-2013-0233 document icon East Durham_ReplySUB_20130919.pdf Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-19 2013-09-19
EB-2013-0233 document icon BdStaff_Corresp_Submission_20130905 Submission East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-05 at 4:58 PM
EB-2013-0233 document icon East Durham_ARGChief_20130904 Applicant Argument in Chief East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-09-04 2013-09-04
EB-2013-0233 document icon East Durham_IRRs_OEB_20130826.pdf Interrogatory Response from Applicant East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-26 2013-08-26
EB-2013-0233 document icon M_Ratcliffe_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_Redacted_20130820 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-20 2013-08-20
EB-2013-0233 document icon M_Ratcliffe_Letter of Comment_redacted_20130814 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-14 2013-08-14
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_envir-and-economic-consequences-ontarios-green-energy-act_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_Ontario Energy Board Act 1998_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidencestaff_discussion_paper_20080530_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_Stray Voltage Robotic 09-075_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_Report_Current_Working_Group_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_b150ra_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon Parkin_evidence_b143_20130812 Intervenor Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
EB-2013-0233 document icon PO1_East Durham Wind_20130730 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-09 2013-08-09
EB-2013-0233 document icon FW: EB-2013-0233, East Durham Wind Inc Aug 8 response Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-09 2013-08-09
EB-2013-0233 document icon S Parkin_Corres_East Durham Wind_20130808 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-08 2013-08-08
EB-2013-0233 document icon RE: EB-2013-0233, East Durham Wind IncProcedural Order Number 2 - CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-08 2013-08-08
EB-2013-0233 document icon EASTDURHAM_Corresp__20130808 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-08 at 10:26 AM
EB-2013-0233 document icon FW: EB-2013-0233 -- East Durham Wind, Inc. -- Section 41(9) Application -- Response to Request for Filing Extension Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-08 2013-08-08
EB-2013-0233 document icon FW: EB-2013-0233, East Durham Wind IncProcedural Order Number 2 Correspondence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-07 2013-08-07
EB-2013-0233 document icon G_Marshall_Reply_Ack Ltr_Observer_20130806 Monitor East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon A_Howard_Reply_Ack Ltr_Observer_20130806_Redacted Monitor East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon J_Harder_Reply_Ack Ltr_OBS_20130806_Redacted Monitor East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon L_DenBosch_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_20130806 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon J_Rawski_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_20130806 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon K_Toldnes_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_20130806 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 at 1:56 PM
EB-2013-0233 document icon T_C_Grainger_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_20130806_Redacted Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 at 1:52 PM
EB-2013-0233 document icon F_McCallum_Ack Ltr_Reply_letter of comment_20130806_Redacted Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-06 2013-08-06
EB-2013-0233 document icon po2_DurhamWind_20130801 Procedural Order East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-08-01 2013-08-01
EB-2013-0233 document icon S-K_Parkin_INT_REQ_20130729 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-29 2013-07-29
EB-2013-0233 document icon L_VanDenBosch_Letter of Comment_Redacted_20130730 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-30 2013-07-30
EB-2013-0233 document icon K_Toldnes_Letter of Comment_Redacted_20130731 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-31 2013-07-31
EB-2013-0233 document icon J_Rawski_Letter of Comment_Redacted_20130731 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-31 2013-07-31
EB-2013-0233 document icon C_Grainger_OBS_REQ_Redacted_20130729 Observer Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-29 2013-07-29
EB-2013-0233 document icon Syd Parkin_Intrv Req_20130730 Intervenor Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-30 2013-07-30
EB-2013-0233 document icon PO1_East Durham Wind_20130730 Procedural Order East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-30 2013-07-30
EB-2013-0233 document icon A_Howard_OBS_REQ_Redacted_20130725 Observer Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-25 2013-07-25
EB-2013-0233 document icon F_McCallum_Letter of Comment_redacted_20130725 Letter of Comment East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-25 2013-07-25
EB-2013-0233 document icon J_Harder_OBS_REQ_20130719_Redacted Observer Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-19 2013-07-19
EB-2013-0233 document icon G_Marshall_OBS_REQ_20130722_Redacted Observer Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-22 2013-07-22
EB-2013-0233 document icon Municipality of West Grey_INT_REQ_20130724 Intervenor Request Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-22 2013-07-22
EB-2013-0233 document icon EastDurham_Affidavit_Service_REDACTED_20130717 Affidavits of Service East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-17 2013-07-17
EB-2013-0233 document icon noah_EastDurhamWind_20130709 Notice of Application and Notice of Hearing East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
EB-2013-0233 document icon lod_noah_EastDurhamWind_20130709 Letter of Direction East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
EB-2013-0233 document icon ack_ltr_EastDurham_20130619 Acknowledgement Letter East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-06-19 2013-06-19
EB-2013-0233 document icon EASTDURHAM_APPL_20130614 Application and Evidence East Durham Wind, GP, ULC on behalf of East Durham Wind, LP - Generation Feed-in Tariff 2013-06-14 2013-06-14
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received