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Search Results for: Records - Case Number=eb-2009-0132 - 63 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2009-0132 document icon dec_order_Cost Awards_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100519 Decision and Order on Cost Awards Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-05-19 2010-05-19
EB-2009-0132 document icon dec_order_Cost Awards_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100519 Decision and Order on Cost Awards Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-05-19 2010-05-19
EB-2009-0132 document icon rate_order_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100503 Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-05-03 2010-05-03
EB-2009-0132 document icon Board Staff_REQ_Embrun_DRO_20100416 Submission Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-16 2010-04-16
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_Revised Tariff Sheet_Draft Rate Order_20100420 Correspondence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-20 2010-04-20
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_DRF RO_RMpils_2010406 Draft Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_DRF RO_RateMaker_20100406 Draft Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_DRF RO_2010 RRWF_20100406 Draft Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_DRF RO_2010 CA Model_20100406 Draft Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_DRF RO_20100406 Draft Rate Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-04-06 2010-04-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon dec_Cooperative Hydro Emrun_20100319 Decision Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-03-19 2010-03-19
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE_Final Reply Submission_20100226 Submission Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-02-26 2010-02-26
EB-2009-0132 document icon VECC_FinalARG_20100216.pdf Final Argument Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-02-16 2010-02-16
EB-2009-0132 document icon Brdstaff_SUB_Coopérative Hydro Embrun_20100212 Submission Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-02-12 2010-02-12
EB-2009-0132 document icon po3_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100204 Procedural Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-02-04 2010-02-04
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_2010_Rev_Reqt_Work_Form_Revised_20100129 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-29 2010-01-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_Rev_Reqt_Work_Form_20100129 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-29 2010-01-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_Model_Smart Meter_Funding_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_7_Continuity Schedule_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_Board Staff Suppl IR_cvr ltr_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_VECC Suppl IR_Rev_Reqt_Work_Form_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_VECC Suppl IR_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_VECC Suppl IR_Cvr Ltr_20100127 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-27 2010-01-27
EB-2009-0132 document icon VECC_Suppl_IR_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100112 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-12 2010-01-12
EB-2009-0132 document icon Board Staff_Suppl IR_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100111 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-11 2010-01-11
EB-2009-0132 document icon Board Staff_cvr_ltr_Suppl IR_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20100111 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-11 2010-01-11
EB-2009-0132 document icon po2_Embrun_20100105 Procedural Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-01-05 2010-01-05
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE_Suppl IRR_Board Staff_20091222 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-22 2009-12-22
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE_Suppl IRR_Board Staff_cvr ltr_20091222 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-22 2009-12-22
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_Appendices IR_Board Staff_Continuity_Schedule_20091211 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-11 2009-12-11
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR Appendices_Board Staff_20091211 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-11 2009-12-11
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR Appendices_Board Staff_cvr ltr_20091211 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-11 2009-12-11
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_VECC _20091209 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-09 2009-12-09
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR_VECC _cvr ltr_20091209 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-09 2009-12-09
EB-2009-0132 document icon Co-op_IRR_cvrltr_Bdstaff_20091210 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-10 2009-12-10
EB-2009-0132 document icon Co-op_IRR_Bdstaff_20091210 Interrogatory Response from Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-10 2009-12-10
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_Delay in Resopnse to IR_REQ_20091203 Correspondence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-03 2009-12-03
EB-2009-0132 document icon Board ltr_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_IRR Extension_20091204 Correspondence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-12-04 2009-12-04
EB-2009-0132 document icon VECC_IR_Embrum_20091113 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-13 2009-11-13
EB-2009-0132 document icon BoardStaff_Supplemental_IRs_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091112 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-12 2009-11-12
EB-2009-0132 document icon BoardStaff_Supplemental_IR_cvrltr_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091112 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-12 2009-11-12
EB-2009-0132 document icon BoardStaff_IR_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091110 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-10 2009-11-10
EB-2009-0132 document icon BoardStaff_IR_cvr ltr_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091110 Interrogatories to Applicant Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-10 2009-11-10
EB-2009-0132 document icon Exhibit 5_Tab 1_Schedule 1_20091105.pdf Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-05 2009-11-05
EB-2009-0132 document icon Exhibit 1_Tab 1_Schedule 4_20091105.pdf Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-05 2009-11-05
EB-2009-0132 document icon Exhibit 1_Tab 1_Schedule 3_20091105.pdf Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-05 2009-11-05
EB-2009-0132 document icon Embrun_Appl_Revision_20091105.pdf Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-05 2009-11-05
EB-2009-0132 document icon po1_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091104 Procedural Order Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-11-04 2009-11-04
EB-2009-0132 document icon SEC_INTV_REQ_20091019 Intervenor Request Letter Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-19 2009-10-19
EB-2009-0132 document icon VECC_INTERVENTION REQ_20091008_ Intervenor Request Letter Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-08 2009-10-08
EB-2009-0132 document icon Embrun_2010_Rev_Reqt_Work_Form_FINAL VERSION_20091008 Rate Model Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-08 2009-10-08
EB-2009-0132 document icon noa_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091006_FR Notice of Application Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-06 2009-10-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon noa_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091006 Notice of Application Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-06 2009-10-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon lod_Cooperative Hydro Embrun_20091006 Letter of Direction Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-10-06 2009-10-06
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE-2006 EMBRUN_DETAILED_CA_Model_Run 2_20090929 (2) Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-29 2009-09-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE-2006 EMBRUN_DETAILED_CA_Model_Run 2_20090929 (1) Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-29 2009-09-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE-2006 EMBRUN_DETAILED_CA_Model_Run 2_20090929 Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-29 2009-09-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon CHE_Addendum_EX 7_APPL_cvr ltr_20090928 Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-29 2009-09-29
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_ack_ltr_Rates_20090924 Acknowledgement Letter Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-24 2009-09-24
EB-2009-0132 document icon Embrun_RMpils_APPL_20090917 Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-17 2009-09-17
EB-2009-0132 document icon Embrun_RateMaker_APPL_20090917 Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-17 2009-09-17
EB-2009-0132 document icon Cooperative Hydro Embrun_APPL_20090917 Application and Evidence Cooperative Hydro Embrun Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2009-09-17 2009-09-17
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received