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Search Results for: Records - casenumber:EB-2010-0126 - 23 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_sub_tariff_rates_charges_email_20110405 Submission E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-04-05 2011-04-05
EB-2010-0126 document icon dec_order_ELK_DefVar_rate_model_20110328 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-28 2011-03-28
EB-2010-0126 document icon dec_order_ELK_RatGen_20110328 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-28 2011-03-28
EB-2010-0126 document icon dec_order_ELK_rate_model_RTSR_20110328 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-28 2011-03-28
EB-2010-0126 document icon dec_order_ELK_rate_model_Smart Meter_20110328 Rate Order E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-28 2011-03-28
EB-2010-0126 document icon dec_order_ELK_20110328 Decision E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-28 2011-03-28
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_APPL_LPP_RateRider_rev 2_20110309 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-03-09 at 1:57 PM
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_LPP_RateRider_rev_20110228 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-02-23 2011-02-23
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_Resp_BdStaff_Sub_20110217 Correspondence E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-02-17 2011-02-17
EB-2010-0126 document icon BdStaff_sub_ELK_20110120.doc Submission E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-01-20 2011-01-20
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_IRR_20110105 Interrogatory Response from Applicant E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2011-01-05 2011-01-05
EB-2010-0126 document icon BdStaff_supplementary_IR_ELK_20101222 Interrogatories to Applicant E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-12-22 2010-12-22
EB-2010-0126 document icon Brdstaff_IR_ELK Energy_20101214 Interrogatories to Applicant E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-12-14 2010-12-14
EB-2010-0126 document icon noah_ELK_20101111 Notice of Application and Notice of Hearing E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-11-11 2010-11-11
EB-2010-0126 document icon LoD_ELK_20101111 Letter of Direction E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-11-11 2010-11-11
EB-2010-0126 document icon ackltr_ELK_20101108 Acknowledgement Letter E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-11-08 2010-11-08
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_Smart Meter Rate Calculation Model_20101027 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_ RTSR_20101027 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_ Deferral_Variance_20101027 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_Model_20101027 Rate Model E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_APPL_20101027 Application and Evidence E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-10-27 2010-10-27
EB-2010-0126 document icon Brdltr_E L K Energy_Delay_EDR_20100625 Correspondence E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-06-25 2010-06-25
EB-2010-0126 document icon ELK_ltr_2011EDR_20100526 Correspondence E.L.K. Energy Inc. - Electricity Distributor 2010-05-26 2010-05-26
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received