Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2021-0096 - 31 Records Found
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Case Information
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Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_Ltr_Settlement_20211102 | Post Hearing Filings | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-11-02 | 2021-11-02 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Revised_Dec_Order_Imperial Oil Ltd_Exprop_20210603_20210813 | Decision and Order | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-13 | 2021-08-13 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB Ltr_Errata_Revised Dec Order_Exprop_20210813 | Decision and Order | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-13 | 2021-08-13 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL OEB_Emails_attach_Draft Appendix C-February 2021 (revised August 2021)_20210804 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-04 | 2021-08-04 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL OEB_Emails_Clarification_Exprop_20210804 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-04 | 2021-08-04 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Emails_OEB IO_Clarification correction needed-Imperial Final Exprop Plans_20210728-20210803 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-05 | 2021-08-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Emails_Clarification-correction needed-Imperial Final Exprop Plans_20210806 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-06 | 2021-08-06 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IO_156660015_V-SP_KP48.1-49.1_ExPLAN_WTFN4077-24x24_email att 3_20210805 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-05 | 2021-08-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IO_156660015_V-SP_KP48.1-49.1_ExPLAN_WTFN4076-24x42_email att2_20210805 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-05 | 2021-08-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IO_Compare Draft Ex Plan to Order_email att 1_20210805 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-05 | 2021-08-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Imperial Oil_OEB _corrections_wo attachments_emails_20210805 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-08-05 | 2021-08-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_LTR_ExpropriationPlans_20210727 | Submission | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-07-27 | 2021-07-27 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Dec_Order_Imperial Oil Ltd_Exprop_20210603 | Decision and Order | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-06-03 | 2021-06-03 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_ReplySUB_20210520 | Submission | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-05-20 | 2021-05-20 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB Staff_SUB_IOL_20210513_signed | Submission | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-05-13 | 2021-05-13 | 2021-05-13 |
EB-2021-0096 | PO2_Imperial_Oil_20210510 | Procedural Order | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-05-10 | 2021-05-10 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_IRR_Expropriation_20210505 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-05-05 | 2021-05-05 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB_Letter Imperial_Partial Withdraw_20210421 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-04-21 | 2021-04-21 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB Staff_IR_Imperial Oil_Expropriation_20210421 esigned | Interrogatories to Applicant | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-04-21 | 2021-04-21 | 2021-04-21 |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_LTR_Expropriation_PartialWithdrawal_20210419 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-04-19 | 2021-04-19 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Intervenor List_IOL_rev 01_20210421 | Intervenor List | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-04-07 | 2021-04-07 | |
EB-2021-0096 | PO1_Imperial Oil Limited_20210407 | Procedural Order | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-04-07 | 2021-04-07 | |
EB-2021-0096 | City of Mississauga_IntvrREQ_IOL20210330 | Intervenor Request Letter | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-30 | 2021-03-30 | |
EB-2021-0096 | IOL_Affidavit_Service_Expropriation_20210325 | Affidavits of Service | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-25 | 2021-03-25 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB Ltr_Completeness_IOL_20210309 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-09 | 2021-03-09 | |
EB-2021-0096 | OEB_ReplyLtr_Withdrawal_IOL EB-2020-0191 APPL_20210301 | Correspondence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-01 | 2021-03-01 | 2021-03-01 |
EB-2021-0096 | LOD_Notice_Imperial Oil Limited_20210311 | Letter of Direction | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-11 | 2021-03-11 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Notice_Imperial Oil Limited_FR_Exprop_20210311 | Notice | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-11 | 2021-03-11 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Notice_Imperial Oil Limited_Exprop_ENG_20210311 | Notice | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-11 | 2021-03-11 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Ack Ltr_Imperial Oil Limited_IOL_Exprop_20210301_Signed | Acknowledgement Letter | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-01 | 2021-03-01 | |
EB-2021-0096 | Imperial OIl Limited_APPL_Exprop_r1_20210223 | Application and Evidence | Imperial Oil Limited - Gas Distributor | 2021-03-17 | 2021-03-17 | |
Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |