Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2024-0004 - 66 Records Found
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Case Information
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Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |
EB-2024-0004 | dec_order_cost awards_IESO_20241001_eSigned | Decision and Order on Cost Awards | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-10-01 | 2024-10-01 | |
EB-2024-0004 | CME_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | E_PRO_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | ED_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | APPRO_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SEC_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | VECC_Cost Claim_20240918 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-09-18 | 2024-09-18 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_Cost Claim_20240808 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0004 | VECC_Cost Claim_20240808 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0004 | ED_Cost Claim_20240808 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0004 | CME_Cost Claim_20240807 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-07 | 2024-08-07 | |
EB-2024-0004 | APPRO_Cost Claim_20240806 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-06 | 2024-08-06 | |
EB-2024-0004 | Enery Probe_Cost Claim_20240806 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-05 | 2024-08-05 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SEC_Cost Claim_20240802 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-02 | 2024-08-02 | |
EB-2024-0004 | dec_order_IESO_Incremental Rev Reqmt_20240801_eSigned | Decision and Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-08-01 | 2024-08-01 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_ReplySUB_20240604 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-06-04 | 2024-06-04 | |
EB-2024-0004 | OEB Staff Submission_IESO Incremental Rev Reqmt_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | CME Submissions_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_SUB_IESO_20240522 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-22 | 2024-05-22 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_CVR_LTR_IESO_20240522 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-22 | 2024-05-22 | |
EB-2024-0004 | VECC_ SUB_IESO_0004_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | ED_Submissions_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SEC_FinalArg_IESO_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | Energy Probe_Arg IESO_20240521 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SUP Final Submissions_20240522 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-21 | 2024-05-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_ARGChief_20240506 | Applicant Argument in Chief | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-05-06 | 2024-05-06 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_A-1-1 Exhibit List_Updated_20240425 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-24 | 2024-04-24 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_CvrLtr_IRRs_IESO_2024-2025 Incremental RRS_20240425 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-24 | 2024-04-24 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_combined IRRs_all Issues_2024-2025 INCREMENTAL RRS_20240425 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-24 | 2024-04-24 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_IR_IESO_20240411 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-11 | 2024-04-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_cvr ltr_IR_IESO_20240411 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-11 | 2024-04-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | Energy Probe_IR_IESO_20240411 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-10 | 2024-04-10 | |
EB-2024-0004 | ED_IR_IESO_20240411 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-10 | 2024-04-10 | |
EB-2024-0004 | VECC_IRQ_IESO0004_20240410 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-11 | 2024-04-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | CME_IR_IESO_20240410 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-10 | 2024-04-10 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SEC_IR_IESO_20240410 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-10 | 2024-04-10 | |
EB-2024-0004 | OEB_Staff_IR_IESO_20240410 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-10 | 2024-04-10 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_B-1-6_2023 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements_20240403 | Exhibits | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-04-03 | 2024-04-03 | |
EB-2024-0004 | PO2_IESO_2024-2025 Fees_20240322_eSigned | Procedural Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-22 | 2024-03-22 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_Reply Letter re Procedure_20240320 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-20 | 2024-03-20 | |
EB-2024-0004 | SEC_CustomerGroups_IESO_Ltr_REV_20240315 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-15 | 2024-03-15 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_2024 Cost Allocation Model_20240314 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-14 | 2024-03-14 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_2025 Cost Allocation Model_20240314 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-14 | 2024-03-14 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_Clarification Questions_20240314 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-14 | 2024-03-14 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_Ltr_Procurement_20240314 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-13 | 2024-03-13 | |
EB-2024-0004 | OEB_ltr_Granting IESO s Extension_20240311_eSigned | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-11 | 2024-03-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_ltr_extension_file statement_20240307 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-07 | 2024-03-07 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_ltr_extension_file statement_20240307 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-07 | 2024-03-07 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_Letter re Settlement Status_20240305 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-04 | 2024-03-04 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_RRS_Letter re Settlement Status_20240305 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-03-04 | 2024-03-04 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_Settlement Conference_20240226 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-26 | 2024-02-26 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_2024-2025 RRS Evidence Correction Cvr ltr_20240227 | Exhibits | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-26 | 2024-02-26 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_A-1-4 Executive Summary_CORRECTED_20240227 | Exhibits | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-26 | 2024-02-26 | |
EB-2024-0004 | APPRO_Clarification Questions_IESO_20240226 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-26 | 2024-02-26 | |
EB-2024-0004 | AMPCO_Clarification Questions_IESO_20240223 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-23 | 2024-02-23 | |
EB-2024-0004 | OEB staff_IESO_Clarification Questions_20240222 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-22 | 2024-02-22 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_Settlement Conf_Participant List_20240221 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-21 | 2024-02-21 | |
EB-2024-0004 | Notice_PO1_IESO 2024-2025 Fees_2402012 | Notice; Procedural Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-02-12 | 2024-02-12 | |
EB-2024-0004 | OEB_Completeness ltr_IESO_20240126_eSigned | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-26 | 2024-01-26 | |
EB-2024-0004 | Ack ltr_IESO_20240115_eSigned | Acknowledgement Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-15 | 2024-01-15 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_D-1-3 Attachment 1- Employee Costs (Appendix 2-K)_20240112 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_D-1-2 Attachment 1_OM&A Business Unit Table (Appendix 2-JC)_20240112 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_D-1-1 Attachment 1_Summary_OM&A Expenses (Appendix 2-JA)_20240112 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_Combined_APP_2024-2025 RRS_EB-2024-0004_20240112 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 | |
EB-2024-0004 | IESO_2024-2025 RRS_cvr ltr_20240112 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2024-01-11 | 2024-01-11 | |
Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |