Search Results for: Records - Case Number:EB-2014-0238 - 59 Records Found
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Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |
EB-2014-0238 | dec_order_cost awards_Great Lakes_20150211 | Decision and Order on Cost Awards | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2015-02-11 | 2015-02-11 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_Cost Claim_Revised_Great Lakes_20150127 | Cost Claim | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2015-01-27 | 2015-01-27 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_Cost Claim_Executed Affidavit_20150113 | Cost Claim | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2015-01-13 | 2015-01-13 | |
EB-2014-0238 | SEC_Cost Claim_GLPT_20141230 | Cost Claim | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-30 | 2014-12-30 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_Cost Claim_GLPT_20141224 | Cost Claim | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-24 | 2014-12-24 | |
EB-2014-0238 | VECC_Cost Claim_GLPT_20141219 | Cost Claim | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-19 | 2014-12-19 | |
EB-2014-0238 | dec_order_GLPT_20141218 | Decision and Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-18 | 2014-12-18 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_UPDATED_DRAFT RATE ORDER_20141203 | Draft Rate Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-03 | 2014-12-03 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_Comments_GLPT_DRO_20141201 | Comments | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-01 | |
EB-2014-0238 | SEC_Comments_GLPT_DRO_20141201 | Comments | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-01 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BdStaff_Sub_Order_GLPT_20141201 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-01 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_Sub_Order_GLPT_covltr_20141201 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-12-01 | 2014-12-01 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_DRAFT RATE ORDER_20141125 | Draft Rate Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-25 | 2014-11-25 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Transcript_Great Lakes Power_20141119 | Transcripts | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-19 | 2014-11-19 | |
EB-2014-0238 | PO4_GLPT_20141117 | Procedural Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-17 | 2014-11-17 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BdStaff_SUB_SettPro_GLPT_20141113 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-13 | 2014-11-13 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_cvrLtr_SUB_SettPro_GLPT_20141113 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-13 | 2014-11-13 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_SETTLEMENT_PROPOSAL_20141112 | Settlement Proposal | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-11-12 | 2014-11-12 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_25s_GLPT Financial Summary Schedules 2013-2015_20141027 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-27 | 2014-10-27 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_Suppl_IRR_20141027 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-27 | 2014-10-27 | |
EB-2014-0238 | decision_Issues List_GLPT_20141027 | Decision | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-27 | 2014-10-27 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_ISSUES LIST_20141014 | Correspondence | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-23 | 2014-10-23 | |
EB-2014-0238 | EnergyProbe_Suppl IR_GLPT Financial Summary Schedules 2013-2015_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | EnergyProbe_Suppl_IR_GLPT_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | SEC_Suppl IR_GLPT_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | VECC_IR_Supplementary2_GLPT_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_SupIR_GLPT_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_SupIR_cvrltr_GLPT_20141021 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-21 | 2014-10-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | po3_GLPT_20141017 | Procedural Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-17 | 2014-10-17 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_IRR_20141014 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-14 | 2014-10-14 | |
EB-2014-0238 | REDACTED_Exhibit 3_Tab 2_Schedule 1_20141007 | Application and Evidence | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-08 | 2014-10-08 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_LTTR_20141007 | Correspondence | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-08 | 2014-10-08 | |
EB-2014-0238 | dec_order_PO2_GreatLakes_20141006 | Procedural Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-06 | 2014-10-06 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_LTR_ScheduleChange_20141002 | Correspondence | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-10-02 | 2014-10-02 | |
EB-2014-0238 | VECC_IR_Great Lakes_20140922 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-22 | 2014-09-22 | |
EB-2014-0238 | EnergyProbe_IR_Great Lakes_20140922 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-22 | 2014-09-22 | |
EB-2014-0238 | EnergyProbe_IR_cvrltr_Great Lakes_20140922 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-22 | 2014-09-22 | |
EB-2014-0238 | SEC_IR_GLPT_20140922 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-22 | 2014-09-22 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_SUB_Confidentiality Request_20140918 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-18 | 2014-09-18 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_Sub_Conf_GLPT_20140916 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-16 | 2014-09-16 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Brd Staff_Sub_Conf_Ltr_GLPT_20140916 | Submission | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-16 | 2014-09-16 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_IR_GLPT_20140915 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-15 | 2014-09-15 | |
EB-2014-0238 | BrdStaff_IR_GLPT_covltr_20140915 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-15 | 2014-09-15 | |
EB-2014-0238 | PO 1_GLPT_20140909 | Procedural Order | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-09 | 2014-09-09 | |
EB-2014-0238 | IESO_IntrvREQ_GLPT_20140902 | Intervenor Request Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-09-02 | 2014-09-02 | |
EB-2014-0238 | Energy Probe_IntrvREQ_GLPT_20140828 | Intervenor Request Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-28 | 2014-08-28 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_AFFIDAVIT_SERVICE_20140822 | Affidavits of Service | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-22 | 2014-08-22 | |
EB-2014-0238 | VECC_intervention request_20140821 | Intervenor Request Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-21 | 2014-08-21 | |
EB-2014-0238 | NextBridge_IntvrREQ_20140820 | Intervenor Request Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-20 | 2014-08-20 | |
EB-2014-0238 | SEC_IntervenorREQ_GLPT_20140819 | Intervenor Request Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-19 | 2014-08-19 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_Notice_Published_20140902 | Notice | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-11 | 2014-08-11 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_Notice_Published_20140902_FRE | Notice | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-11 | 2014-08-11 | |
EB-2014-0238 | noa_GLPT_20140805_FRE | Notice of Application | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-05 | 2014-08-05 | |
EB-2014-0238 | noa_GLPT_20140805 | Notice of Application | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-05 | 2014-08-05 | |
EB-2014-0238 | lod_GLPT_20140805 | Letter of Direction | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-08-05 | 2014-08-05 | |
EB-2014-0238 | ack_ltr_Great Lakes_20140717 | Acknowledgement Letter | Hydro One Sault Ste Marie Inc. on behalf of Hydro One Sault Ste Marie LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-07-17 | 2014-07-17 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_REQ_Confidentiality_APPL_20140714 | Correspondence | Great Lakes Power Transmission LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-07-14 | 2014-07-14 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_APPL_PART2_20140714 | Application and Evidence | Great Lakes Power Transmission LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-07-14 | 2014-07-14 | |
EB-2014-0238 | GLPT_APPL_PART1_20140714 | Application and Evidence | Great Lakes Power Transmission LP - Electricity Transmitter | 2014-07-14 | 2014-07-14 | |
Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |