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Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2022-0184 - 72 Records Found

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Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received
EB-2022-0184 document icon dec_order_cost awards_EPCOR_Phase 2_20240105 Decision and Order on Cost Awards EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2024-01-05 2024-01-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_CostClaimResp_NoObj_20231117 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-11-17 2023-11-17
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_Cost Claim_EPCOR_20231108 Cost Claim EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-11-07 2023-11-07
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_ Cost Claim_EPCOR_20231102 Cost Claim EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-11-02 2023-11-02
EB-2022-0184 document icon Accounting Order Ph2_ EPCOR South Bruce 2023 Rates_20231026_signed Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-10-26 2023-10-26
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Response_CVVA Acctng Order_20230504 Applicant Reply Argument EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-05-04 2023-05-04
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff Sub CVVA DAO EPCOR South Bruce 2023 Rates_20230427 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-27 2023-04-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_DAO Comments_EPCOR_20230427 Comments EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-27 2023-04-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_DAO_EPCOR_SB_20230427 Comments EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-27 2023-04-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEBltr_Granting Extn_Motion_EPCOR SB_20230421_signed Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-21 2023-04-21
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_CVVA Accounting Order_20230420 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-20 2023-04-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Notice of Motion_Extension Request_20230420 Motion to Review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-20 2023-04-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Cover Ltr_Extension Request_20230420 Motion to Review EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-20 2023-04-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon Dec_Order_EPCOR_SB_2023_Rates_Ph2_20230404_signed Decision and Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-04-06 2023-04-06
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_ReplySUB_Sch 1_CVVA Ph 2_20230213 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-02-13 2023-02-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_ReplySUB_CVVA Ph 2_20230213 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-02-13 2023-02-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_ReplySUB_cvrltr_CVVA Phase 2_20230213 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-02-13 2023-02-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEBltr_Granting Extn_SUB_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20230210 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-02-10 2023-02-10
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Extension Request Ltr_CVVA_20230210 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-02-10 2023-02-10
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_SUB_EPCOR_CVA_Phase 2_20230127 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-01-27 2023-01-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_SUB_EPCOR_SB_Phase 2_20230127 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-01-27 2023-01-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff_SUB_EPCOR South Bruce 2023 CVVA Phase 2_20230126 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-01-26 2023-01-26
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Ltr_Tech Conf_EPCOR_20221207 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-07 2022-12-07
EB-2022-0184 document icon EPCOR_Argument In Chief_CVVA_20230109 Applicant Argument in Chief EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2023-01-09 2023-01-09
EB-2022-0184 document icon EPCOR_CVVA_IRR__20221215 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-15 2022-12-15
EB-2022-0184 document icon po4_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20221208 Procedural Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-08 2022-12-08
EB-2022-0184 document icon EPCOR_IRR_CVVA_20221205 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-05 2022-12-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon EPCOR_IRR_20221205 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-05 2022-12-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon EPCOR_IRR_SEC-8_20221205 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-12-05 2022-12-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_IR_EPCOR_SB Ph 2_Addl EVD_20221124 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-25 2022-11-25
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_IR_EPCOR_CVVA_Phase 2_Addl EVD_20221124 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-24 2022-11-24
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_IR_EPCOR_SB Phase II_AddlEVD_20221124 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-24 2022-11-24
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff_IR_EPCOR SB 2023 IRM_Ph2_Addl EVD_20221124 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-24 2022-11-24
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Addl EVD_CVVA_20221114 Application and Evidence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-14 2022-11-14
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Addl EVD_CVVA_20221114 Application and Evidence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-14 2022-11-14
EB-2022-0184 document icon PO3_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20221107 Procedural Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-07 2022-11-07
EB-2022-0184 document icon dec_rate order_EPCOR SB 2023 Rates Ph1_20221103 Rate Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-03 2022-11-03
EB-2022-0184 document icon dec_order_rate order_EPCOR SB 2023 Rates Ph1_20221103 Decision and Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-11-03 2022-11-03
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff Ltr_Rate Sch_EPCOR_Phase I_20221031 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-31 2022-10-31
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Ltr_Settlement Conference_CVVA_20221028 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-28 2022-10-28
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Updated Draft Rate Order_2023 IRM_SB_20221028 Draft Rate Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-28 2022-10-28
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Updated Draft RateOrder_SB_Phase1_20221028 Draft Rate Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-28 2022-10-28
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_VECC6_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_VECC4_2_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_OEBStaff2d_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_VECC4_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_VECC3_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_CVVA_OEBStaff2b_20221020 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-20 2022-10-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_IR_EPCOR_SB_Phase 2_20221013 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-13 2022-10-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_IR_EPCOR SB_Phase 2_20221013 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-13 2022-10-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff _IR_EPCOR SB 2023 IRM_Ph2_20221013 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-13 2022-10-13
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_ReplySUB_OEB Staff_2023 SB IRM_Phase 1_20221007 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-07 2022-10-07
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff_SUB_Phase 1 EPCOR South Bruce 2023 Rates_20221004 Submission EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-04 2022-10-04
EB-2022-0184 document icon SEC_EPCOR SB_Phase 2_Ltr_20221003 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-03 2022-10-03
EB-2022-0184 document icon VECC_IntrvREQ_EPCOR SB_20221003 Intervenor Request Letter EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-10-03 2022-10-03
EB-2022-0184 document icon PO2_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20220927 Procedural Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-27 2022-09-27
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Ltr_OEB Staff_20220921 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-21 2022-09-21
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff Ltr_CVVA_ENGLP_20220920 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-20 2022-09-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_OEBStaff 3e_20220919 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-19 2022-09-19
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_OEBStaff 2_20220919 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-19 2022-09-19
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_IRR_OEBStaff_2023 IRM SB_20220919 Interrogatory Response from Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-19 2022-09-19
EB-2022-0184 document icon OEB Staff_IR_EPCOR SB 2023 IRM_20220907 Interrogatories to Applicant EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-09-07 2022-09-07
EB-2022-0184 document icon PO1_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20220826 Procedural Order EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-08-26 2022-08-26
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_Affidavit of Service_2023 IRM_20220816 Affidavits of Service EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-08-16 2022-08-16
EB-2022-0184 document icon noa_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20220805 Notice of Application EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-08-05 2022-08-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon lod_EPCOR SB_IRM_20220805 Letter of Direction EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-08-05 2022-08-05
EB-2022-0184 document icon CmpLtr_EPCOR SB_2023 IRM_20220802 Correspondence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-08-02 2022-08-02
EB-2022-0184 document icon AckLtr_EPCOR SB 2023 IRM_20220720 Acknowledgement Letter EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-07-20 2022-07-20
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_CVRLTR_2023 IRM_Southern Bruce_20220718 Application and Evidence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-07-18 2022-07-18
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_APPL_2023 IRM_Southern Bruce_20220718 Application and Evidence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-07-18 2022-07-18
EB-2022-0184 document icon ENGLP_APPL_2023 IRM_Southern Bruce_20220718 Application and Evidence EPCOR Natural Gas Limited Partnership - Gas Distributor 2022-07-18 2022-07-18
Case Number File Name Document Type Applicant Issued By OEB Received By OEB Date Issued/Received