Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2024-0200 - 116 Records Found
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Case Information
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Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |
EB-2024-0200 | PO6_EGI St Laurent LTC_20250103 | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2025-01-03 | 2025-01-03 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Ltr_Response_Oral Hearing_St.Laurent_20241220 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-20 | 2024-12-20 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_EGI_REQ ORAL HEARING_STL REPL_20241218 REDACTED | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-18 | 2024-12-18 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Energy Probe_Submission on Form of Hearing_20241218 | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-18 | 2024-12-18 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_SUB_OralHearing_20241217 | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-17 | 2024-12-17 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PO5_EGI St Laurent LTC_20241216 | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-16 | 2024-12-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Updated Undertaking_20241213 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-13 | 2024-12-13 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_SUB_EGI UPD UNDERTAKINGS_CONF_20241212 REDACTED_20241213 | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-12 | 2024-12-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Updated Undertakings_20241206_Redacted | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-06 | 2024-12-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_EnbridgeResponse_20241205 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-05 | 2024-12-05 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_letter response to PP_20241205 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-05 | 2024-12-05 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_letter_response_FRPO_20241202 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-02 | 2024-12-02 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_EGI_Req_Undertaking Response_20241203 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-12-03 | 2024-12-03 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_EGI_REQ_FULSOME RESP_LTC ST LAURENT_20241129 | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-29 | 2024-11-29 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_TC_Undertakings_20241126 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-26 | 2024-11-26 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_Correspondence_Attachment_20241122 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-22 | 2024-11-22 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_Correspondence_20241122 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-22 | 2024-11-22 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_C_Undertakings_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | JT2.20_Attachment 3_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | JT2.20_Attachment 2_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | JT2.20_Attachment 1_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | JT1.6_Attachment 1_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | JT1.2_Attachment 1_20241115 | Undertaking Responses | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-14 | 2024-11-14 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Transcript_EGI_Technical Conference_day 3_20241113 | Transcripts | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-13 | 2024-11-13 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_APPL_20240617_Updated_20241113 | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-12 | 2024-11-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PO4_EGI St Laurent LTC_20241107 | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-07 | 2024-11-07 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Ltr_TechConference_Day 3_20241101 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-01 | 2024-11-01 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Transcript_day 2_Technical Conference_20241031 | Transcripts | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-11-01 | 2024-11-01 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_Technical Conference_20241030 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-31 | 2024-10-31 | |
EB-2024-0200 | REDACTED PUBLIC_Transcript V1_Technical Conference_20241030 | Transcripts | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-31 | 2024-10-31 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Kinetics_AR_Declaration_Undertaking_20241030 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-30 | 2024-10-30 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Kinetics_MAD_Declaration_Undertaking_20241030 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-30 | 2024-10-30 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_Ltr_Exhibit I.1-CAFES Ottawa-14_20241030 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-30 | 2024-10-30 | |
EB-2024-0200 | SEC_EGI_StLaurentLTC_DU_MR_20241030 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-30 | 2024-10-30 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_EGI St Laurent_20241029 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-29 | 2024-10-29 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PO3_EGI St Laurent LTC_20241029_esigned | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-29 | 2024-10-29 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_LtrTCResponse_20241028 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-28 | 2024-10-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_TC external experts_20241028 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-28 | 2024-10-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_LtrTC_20241028 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-28 | 2024-10-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_FRPO confidentiality comments_20241018 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-18 | 2024-10-18 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_TC panel witnesses_20241018 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-18 | 2024-10-18 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_TECH CONF EST_EGI SLP_20241016 | Submission | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_LtrTC_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Energy Probe_Ltr_TechConf_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | OEB_Staff_Topics_TechConf_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | SEC_Technical Conferences Areas of Focus and Time Estimates_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Decision_Confid_St.Laurent_LTC_20241016 | Decision | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_Ltr_TechnicalConference_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_TechnicalConference_20241016 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-16 | 2024-10-16 | |
EB-2024-0200 | DRQ_Declaration_Undertaking_STL LTC 20241012 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-12 | 2024-10-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_IRR_09262024 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PO2_EGI St Laurent LTC_20241001 | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-10-01 | 2024-10-01 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Tom Ladanyi_Dec&Undertaking_20240927 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_MB_Declaration_Undertaking_20240930 | Declaration and Undertakings | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-29 | 2024-09-29 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_FIPPA_20240927 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.2-STAFF-17_Attachment 3 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.2-STAFF-17_Attachment 2 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.2-STAFF-17_Attachment 1 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.2-SEC-9_Attachment 1 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.2-ED-11_Attachment 1 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.1-PP-4_Attachment 2 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.1-PP-4_Attachment 1 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Exhibit I.1-FRPO-10_Attachment 1 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-27 | 2024-09-27 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Ltr_Response to ED_20240911 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-11 | 2024-09-11 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_NemeCV_EGI_20240910 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-10 | 2024-09-10 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_Ltr_EGI_20240910 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-10 | 2024-09-10 | |
EB-2024-0200 | OEBStaff_IR_EGI_20240909 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-09 | 2024-09-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_IRs_EGI_20240909 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-09 | 2024-09-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Energy Probe_IR_EGI_20240909 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-09 | 2024-09-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | SEC_IR_EGI_StLaurentLTC_20240909 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-09 | 2024-09-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_IR_ST LAUR_EGI_20240909 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-09 | 2024-09-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixC_OttawaHydroCEOmessage_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixB_EnbridgeAdvertisement_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixA_StLaurentArticle_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixC_OttawaHydroCEOmessage_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixB_EnbridgeAdvertisement_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_AppendixA_StLaurentArticle_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_IR_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixG_CanmetReport_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixF_EGI_IRR_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixE_EGI_ReplyARG_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixD_JT5.37_OttawaCorrespondence_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixC_PP3_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixB_PP11_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixA_OEBletterArticle4_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixA_OEBletterArticle2_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_AppendixA_OEBletterArticle1_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_IR_20240906 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-06 | 2024-09-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Ltr_Comments on Intervenor evidence_ 20240904.pdf | Comments | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-04 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Energy Probe_Comments on Intervenor Evidence LTR_20240904 | Comments | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-04 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_Correspondence_20240904 | Comments | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-04 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Ltr_Evidence_20240828 | Intervenor Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-28 | 2024-08-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | ED_LtrExpertEFG_20240828 | Intervenor Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-28 | 2024-08-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | IGUA_Letter_Non-Filing of Responding Evidence_20240828 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-28 | 2024-08-28 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PollutionProbe_Correspondence_20240822 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-22 | 2024-08-22 | |
EB-2024-0200 | PO1_EGI St Laurent LTC_20240821 | Procedural Order | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-21 | 2024-08-21 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_Affidavit_20240820 | Affidavits of Service | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-20 | 2024-08-20 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_IntervenorRequests_20240820 | Correspondence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-20 | 2024-08-20 | |
EB-2024-0200 | IESO_Intervention Form__20240809 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-09 | 2024-08-09 | |
EB-2024-0200 | City of Ottawa_Intervention Form_20240808 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Industrial Gas Users Association_Intervention Form_20240808 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Environmental Defence_Intervention Form_20240808 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-08 | 2024-08-08 | |
EB-2024-0200 | FRPO_INTRV REQ_LTC ST LAURENT_20240808 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-07 | 2024-08-07 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Energy Probe_Intervention Form_20240806 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-06 | 2024-08-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | SEC_ Intervention Form_20240802 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-06 | 2024-08-06 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Pollution Probe_Intervention Form_20240802 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-08-02 | 2024-08-02 | |
EB-2024-0200 | CAFESOttawa_INTRVReqst_20240731 | Intervenor Request Letter | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-07-31 | 2024-07-31 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Notice_fr_Enbridge's St Laurent_LTC_20240712 | Notice | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-07-12 | 2024-07-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | Notice_Enbridge's St Laurent_LTC_20240712 | Notice | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-07-12 | 2024-07-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | LoD_Enbridge's St Laurent_LTC_20240712 | Letter of Direction | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-07-12 | 2024-07-12 | |
EB-2024-0200 | F-1-1_Attachment 3_Redacted_20240617 | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 | |
EB-2024-0200 | F-1-1_Attachment 2_Redacted_20240617 | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 | |
EB-2024-0200 | F-1-1_Attachment 1_Redacted_20240617 | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_APPL_St.Laurent Replacement Project_20240617_esigned | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 | |
EB-2024-0200 | EGI_LTR_FIPPA_20240617_esigned | Application and Evidence | Enbridge Gas Inc. - Gas Distributor | 2024-06-17 | 2024-06-17 | |
Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |