Search Results for: Records - Case Number=EB-2018-0143 - 105 Records Found
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Case Information
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Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_PHF_Ltr_MRP Schedules_Budget_20190102 | Post Hearing Filings | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2019-01-02 | 2019-01-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Dec_IESO_2019_interim rates_20181218 | Decision and Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-12-18 | 2018-12-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_Ltr_PHF_2019 RRS_Interim fees_20181211 | Post Hearing Filings | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-12-11 | 2018-12-11 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Dec_Order_Cost Awards_IESO_Fees_20181126 | Decision and Order on Cost Awards | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-11-26 | 2018-11-26 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_Cost Claim_IESO_cor_20181112 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-11-12 | 2018-11-12 | |
EB-2018-0143 | VECC_Cost Claim_IESO_20181031 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-31 | 2018-10-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | AMPCO_CostClaim_IESO_20181101 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-11-02 | 2018-11-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_Cost Claim_IESO_20181101 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-11-01 | 2018-11-01 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OSEA_CostClaim_IESO_cor Nov 1_20181102 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-11-02 | 2018-11-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | CME_Cost Claim_IESO_20181031 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-31 | 2018-10-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | SEC_Cost Claim_IESO_corrected_20181030 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-30 | 2018-10-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | EnergyProbe_Cost Claim_IESO_20181030 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-30 | 2018-10-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | BOMA_Cost Claim_IESO_20181029 | Cost Claim | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-29 | 2018-10-29 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Dec_Order_IESO 2018 fees_20181025 | Decision and Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-25 | 2018-10-25 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OEB Staff_SUB_IESO SettlementP_20181009 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-09 | 2018-10-09 | 2018-10-09 |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_SEC 21_Updated_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_SEC 10_Updated_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_AMPCO 5 - 1.1_Updated_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_OEB_STAFF 12 - 5.3_Updated_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | S-1-1_Attach_1_Status_AG_Recommendations Filed 2018-002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | S-1-1_Settlement_Proposal_Filed_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_ CvrLtr_Settlement Proposal_20181002 | Settlement Proposal | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-10-02 | 2018-10-02 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_CvrLtr_ExtensionRequest_20180927 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-09-27 | 2018-09-27 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_Combined_corrected_201800831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-09-13 | 2018-09-13 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_AMPCO 9 Attachment 1 Updated Appendix 2-AA_capital projects_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-09-04 | 2018-09-04 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_AMPCO 7 Attachment 1 Updated Appendix 2-K_employee costs_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-09-04 | 2018-09-04 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 7-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 6-3_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 6-2_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 6-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 6-0_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 5-4_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 5-3_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 5-2_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 5-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 4-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 3-0_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 2-2_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 2-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 2-0_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 1-4_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 1-3_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 1-2_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 1-1_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | A-1-2 Exhibit List_Updated_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Issue 1-0_IRR_IESO_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_IRR_CvrLtr_20180831 | Interrogatory Response from Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-31 | 2018-08-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | AMPCO_IR_IESO_late_20180813 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-13 | 2018-08-13 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OEBStaff_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 |
EB-2018-0143 | HQEM_IR_IESO_20180809 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | EnergyProbe_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | EnergyProbe_Cvr Ltr_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Society_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OSEA_Ltr_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OSEA_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | CME_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | SEC_IR_IESO_20180810 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-10 | 2018-08-10 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_IR_IESO_20180809 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | B-3-1 Attachment 4 Updated App 2-K Employee Costs_20180809 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | B-3-1 Attachment 2 Updated App 2-JB OA Cost Drivers_20180809 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_CvrLtr_Revised Exhibits_EB-2018-0143_20180809 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_IR_IESO_20180809 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-09 | 2018-08-09 | |
EB-2018-0143 | VECC_IRQ_IESO_EB-2018-0143_20180807 | Interrogatories to Applicant | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-08-07 | 2018-08-07 | |
EB-2018-0143 | EP_consultant change_Yauch Higgin_IESO_EMAIL_20180731 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-31 | 2018-07-31 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Applicant_Intervention List_updated_EB-2018-0143_20180730 | Intervenor List | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-30 | 2018-07-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Dec Issues List_PO2_IESO_20180730 | Procedural Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-30 | 2018-07-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Dec Issues List_PO2_IESO_20180730 | Decision | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-30 | 2018-07-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Brookfield_IntrvREQ_IESO_20180615 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-15 | 2018-06-15 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OEB Ltr_IESO Fees Case_IR Extension to PO1_20180720 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-20 | 2018-07-20 | |
EB-2018-0143 | C-3-1 IESO_UpdatedEvid_Cost Allocation_20180716 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-16 | 2018-07-16 | |
EB-2018-0143 | A-1-2_Updated_Exhibit List_20180716 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-16 | 2018-07-16 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_CvrLtr_EB-2018-0143_20180716 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-16 | 2018-07-16 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_SUB_Reply_Issues List_20180713 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-13 | 2018-07-13 | |
EB-2018-0143 | AMPCO_SUB_Issues List_IESO_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | VECC_SUB_Issues list_IESO_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_SUB_Issues list_IESO_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | HQEM_SUB_Issues_list_IESO Fees_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Energy Probe_SUB_Issues list_IESO Fees_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OEB Staff_SUB_Draft IESO Issues List_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 |
EB-2018-0143 | SEC_SUB_Issues list_IESO Fees_20180706 | Submission | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-07-06 | 2018-07-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | PO1_IESO Fees_20180626 | Procedural Order | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-26 | 2018-06-26 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ED_IntrvREQ_CostEligREQ_late_IESO_20180625 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-25 | 2018-06-25 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OPG_IntrvREQ_late_IESO_20180622 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-22 | 2018-06-22 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OSEA_IntrvREQ_CostEligREQ_20180618 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-18 | 2018-06-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Energy Probe_IntvrREQ_CostEligREQ_IESO_20180618 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-18 | 2018-06-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | AMPCO_IntrvREQ_CostEligREQ_IESO_20180618 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-18 | 2018-06-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | VECC_IntvrREQ_CostElig_IESO_EB 2018-0143_20180618 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-18 | 2018-06-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | PWU_IntvrREQ_IESO_20180618 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-18 | 2018-06-18 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Hydro Quebec_IntrvREQ_IESO_20180614 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-14 | 2018-06-14 | |
EB-2018-0143 | CME_IntrvREQ_CostEligREQ_IESO_20180611 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-11 | 2018-06-11 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Affidavit_Miriam_Heinz_ EB-2018-0143_2018-06-07 | Affidavits of Service | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-08 | 2018-06-08 | |
EB-2018-0143 | SUP_IntrvREQ_IESO_20180607 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-06 | 2018-06-06 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OPG_Ltr_Change in OPG Contact 2_20180607 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-07 | 2018-06-07 | |
EB-2018-0143 | OPG_Ltr_Change in OPG's Contacts for Regulatory Affairs & Counsel_20180607 | Correspondence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-07 | 2018-06-07 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Notice_IESO FEES_dated_EB-2018-0143_ENG_20180607 | Notice | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-07 | 2018-06-07 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Notice_IESO FEES_dated_EB-2018-0143_FR_20180607 | Notice | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-07 | 2018-06-07 | |
EB-2018-0143 | SEC_IntvrREQ_CostEligREQ_IESO_20180605 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-05 | 2018-06-05 | |
EB-2018-0143 | BOMA_IntrvREQ_CostEligREQ_20180605 | Intervenor Request Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-05 | 2018-06-05 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Notice_IESO_2018 FEES_FR_20180604 | Notice | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-04 | 2018-06-04 | |
EB-2018-0143 | LoD_Notice_IESO_2018 Fees_20180604 | Letter of Direction | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-04 | 2018-06-04 | |
EB-2018-0143 | Notice_IESO 2018 FEES_20180604 | Notice | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-06-04 | 2018-06-04 | |
EB-2018-0143 | ack_ltr_IESO 2018 Fees_20180503 | Acknowledgement Letter | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-05-03 | 2018-05-03 | |
EB-2018-0143 | C-1-1_Attachment 1 - 2018 IESO Regulatory Scorecard_APPL_IESO_20180430 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-04-30 | 2018-04-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_APPL_EVD_20180430 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-04-30 | 2018-04-30 | |
EB-2018-0143 | IESO_CvrLtr_APPL_20180430 | Application and Evidence | Independent Electricity System Operator - IESO | 2018-04-30 | 2018-04-30 | |
Case Number | File Name | Document Type | Applicant | Issued By OEB | Received By OEB | Date Issued/Received |